Monday, June 20, 2016

Noticing Nature

This post has nothing to do with the Park issue, I just wanted to share a small thing.

The photos were taken along side the rail tracks where 240th Street ends at Route 9 (Woodinville Washington).

The 240th & Route 9 intersection, as we know, can be a tense driving experience.

There are many dump trucks going to and from the concrete recycling plant ... there's ebb and flow of Aboda and Primus ...and traffic launches w/ velocity in and out of Costco ... and there's almost perpetual bumper to bumper traffic on Route 9.

I doubt most drivers have the time to glance at roadside vegetation.

Late May I did a walk along Route 9 and the railroad track area, looking for photographic possibilities. I noticed one plant which seemed tenacious in a particular location (photo 1).

 I suppose it could be called a weed ... to me, the plant was visually interesting; I decided to revisit the plant after a few weeks passed.

Yesterday morning (Father's Day) the sky was clear and sunny so I revisited the edge of the rail tracks, looking for that "interesting" plant. It was easy to find.

Here are a few locations photos... and then a closer look at the plant.

Nature always provides something worthwhile. In this case, well, you can see for yourself.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The vew from 240th Street SE - Wellington Hills Park to Route 9

This past Thursday I walked westward from the blocked Wellington Hills Park entrance to Route 9, it's less than 1/2 mile.  I did this around 2 PM.

The first photos are what you see as you drive through the park

Once you leave the Park boundary, 240th Street steepens and then goes through several businesses until the street ends at Route 9. On the opposite side of 240th St. is Costco.

Quite a difference - Wellington Hills Park and the commerce and traffic of Route 9.

Why the difference? The Urban Growth Boundary is a big, big reason.

Just as oil spreads on water, there are special interests wanting to spread eastward up 240th St.

Guess what they see as the prize?

Benevolent or Vindictive?

Forget bureaucracy for a moment and pretend we do things because we're humans and we live with other humans.  Let's also skip the part of people doing monstrous things and concentrate only on co-existence. Neighborly things - sharing, caring... watching out for one another ... a wave, a smile...a helping hand when necessary.  You know what I'm talking about.

Keeping those thoughts, there sits Wellington Hills Park, a nice and beautiful place and, at one time, accessible to People.

I've talked with hundreds of people at the Park and witnessed the good vibes and pleasures People have had there.

There are no "No Trespassing" signs at the Park. You and I can go there, walk or stroll around, take pictures, play with our children and dogs, picnic or sit and soak in the natural calm that permeates the place.

BTW, nothing bad has ever happened at the Park (except for Snohomish County Rangers getting stuck in the soggy ground).

But now, because the County realized Wellington Hills Park was a terrible place for a sports complex, they moved their sports complex plans elsewhere. With that move, they've made it near impossible for People to enjoy Wellington Hills Park.

First the used a lockable gate and permanently locked it ... then they placed "ecology blocks" across the Park's driveway - but there was still a  bit of space for cars to park ... not ideal.

None the less, People carefully parked their cars and the Park remained a favorite place.

More recently, County people came and moved the "ecology blocks" closer to the road, as a sort of "take that" gesture.

Benevolent or Vindictive?

In the past, I would've suggested you write the Snohomish County Council about something such as this.

I've come to understand, they're not interested in what we the People of the Greater Wellington Area need or want.  They have their own plans for us.

So letter writing is optional.

But please remember those "ecology blocks" come election time.

Here are the names to remember: Somers, Ryan, Sullivan, Wright, Klein, Dunshee

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wellington Hills Park, Woodinville Washington - What is it that everyone wants?

As I see it, there are three players in the Wellington Hills Sweepstakes.

1. Snohomish County Government & assorted special interests & lobbyists

2. Northshore School District

3. People

What is it they want?

Group No. 1 wants the money associated with development.

Group No. 2 wants more land for more schools.

Group No. 3 wants a park.

How does each group view the greater Wellington Hills area - including the park?

Group No. 1: Development

Here is what happens when there's fast-paced development and not much else.

 Group No. 2: Land

Northshore School District sees Wellington Hills Park as a site for two new schools.

The next photo is from the Everett Herald. Imagine the pickup truck is driving on 240th Street with the proposed high school located on the south side of street. (another school would be on the north side of 240th)

Group No. 3: Park

Everyone who's stopped at Wellington Hills Park understands its value as a natural green space - an open space.  There is no other natural park like it within the swirl of this region's expanding development.

Sunday, June 5, 2016


To All: Please read and study the following photographs - Your Safety is at Stake

There is proof and real EVIDENCE, Woodinville has experienced something most dark and foul, something that’s only seen in the CREEPIEST and STOMACH TURNING of HORROR films.

Yes, I’m talking about POLTERGEIST and the PRACTICE of BLACK MAGIC … perhaps even DEMONS and assorted other CREATURES of the SHADOWS.

How else to explain these mysterious and bizarre happenings? How else to explain how heavy concrete blocks moved, seemingly by FORCES unseen and unheard! 

People of Faith, People of Good Conscious and People of Science know that ... Giant, heavy Concrete Blocks and Giant Rocks DO NOT rotate and move FIVE FEET (152.5 cm) towards a busy road on their own.

It goes without saying, vandals don’t have the patience nor devices to do such a thing … and, sane men or women would never do such a thing.

There are many natural creatures in Wellington Hills Park – deer, owl, squirrel – But I’ve never seen evidence of Drunk Viking Games or Big Foot slinking about … nor have I seen giant disgusting cockroaches or dung beetles hiding in the dark shadows. 


                                                  In the mean time, please contact the authorities
                                   the owners and managers of the CONCRETE ECOLOGY BLOCKS !

Tom Teigen, Director of Parks, Snohomish County

Dave Somers, Tom’s Boss and Snohomish County Executive

Hans Dunshee, County Council Representative of this particular region (District 5).