Monday, December 21, 2015

Urban Growth Boundary and Wellington Hills Park

• How many undeveloped public parks are there on the Eastside (east of Lake Washington & Seattle)?

• ... with vistas, 75-100 year old trees & home to deer, bobcat, coyote, eagles, owls and other critters?

• ... and, as a destination, not requiring long drive-times? 

• How many 100 acre natural parks are there in Woodinville and nearby communities?

• How many parks did you name? None? One? Two?

This map shows "Maltby UGA" that is, the location of Urban Growth Boundary for this specific area.

Wellington Hills Park is not labeled, it is in the white area near the bottom of the map
(above the words, "Land Status", on the rural side of the line.

Aerial view
The Urban Growth Boundary, more or less follows Hwy. 522.
Wellington Hills Park is OUTSIDE the Urban Growth Boundary.

And now a few bureaucratic sharpies say it's simps to move the Urban Growth Boundary for their proposes.

If that's true ... why do we have laws, rules & regs in the first place??