Sunday, March 26, 2017

Green Space Tug-Of-War, Everett Herald

This coming May will be the five year mark since a representative of Snohomish County surprised this neighborhood with the announcement,  it was a "done deal" they were going to build a regional sports complex on the Wellington site and we were "going to love it."

As most have heard, the County has purchased the property adjacent to the north end of the Brightwater sewage plant with intentions of building their sports complex at that site.

 Anyway, the Everett Herald newspaper recently (March 19, 2017) ran a story on the battle to save the Wellington site ... go here for the article.

One point needs to be restated:

The fight to save Wellington Hills Park has become more than simply saving a natural green place.

Once we became aware of the wider effects that ANY development of Wellington will bring to this area, including the City of Woodinville... we realized how vulnerable this area was to uncontrolled development - just ask the good people living near the proposed mega-apartment complex on Paradise Lake Road (near 522 and Bostian Road) and being blindsided by potential urbanization of a rural area.

The new battle cry is:

Save Wellington and Save Our Rural Communities
Neighbors to Save Wellington Park

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